Test Bank For Lutz’s Nutrition and Diet Therapy 7th Edition Mazur Litch
Table of Contents
I. The Role of Nutrients in the Human Body
1. Nutrition in Human Health
2. Carbohydrates
3. Fats
4. Protein
5. Energy Balance
6. Vitamins
7. Minerals
8. Water
9. Digestion, Absorption, Metabolism, and Excretion
II. Family and Community Nutrition
10. Life Cycle Nutrition: Pregnancy and Lactation
11. Life Cycle Nutrition: Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence
12. Life Cycle Nutrition: The Mature Adult
13. Food Management
III. Clinical Nutrition
14. Nutrient Delivery
15. Interactions: Food and Nutrients Versus Medications and Supplements
16. Weight Management
17. Diet in Diabetes Mellitus and Hypoglycemia
18. Diet in Cardiovascular Disease
19. Diet in Renal Disease
20. Diet in Digestive Diseases
21. Diet and Cancer
22. Nutrition in Critical Care
23. Diet in HIV and AIDS
24. Nutritional Care of the Terminally
Ill Appendices
A. Dietary Reference Intakes for Individuals
B. Glossary Index Available on DavisPlus Answers to End-of-Chapter Questions Bibliography
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