Test Bank For Lehne’s Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurses and Physician Assistants 2nd Ed.
Table of Contents
UNIT I: INTRODUCTION1. Prescriptive Authority2. Rational Drug Selection and Prescription Writing3. Promoting Positive Outcomes of Drug TherapyUNIT II: BASIC PRINCIPLES OF PHARMACOLOGY4. Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Drug Interactions5. Adverse Drug Reactions and Medication Errors6. Individual Variation in Drug Responses7. Genetic and Genomic Considerations in Pharmacotherapeutics NEW!UNIT III: DRUG THERAPY ACROSS THE LIFE SPAN8. Drug Therapy During Pregnancy and Breast-Feeding9. Drug Therapy in Pediatric Patients10. Drug Therapy in Geriatric PatientsUNIT IV: PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DRUGS11. Basic Principles of Neuropharmacology12. Physiology of the Peripheral Nervous System 13. Muscarinic Agonists14. Muscarinic Antagonists NEW!15. Adrenergic Agonists16. Adrenergic Antagonists 17. Indirect-Acting Antiadrenergic AgentsUNIT V: CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DRUGS 18. Introduction to Central Nervous System Pharmacology19. Drugs for Parkinson Disease20. Drugs for Alzheimer Disease21. Drugs for Seizure Disorders22. Drugs for Muscle Spasm and SpasticityUNIT VI: DRUGS FOR PAIN 23. Local Anesthetics24. Opioid Analgesics, Opioid Antagonists, and Nonopioid Centrally Acting Analgesics 25. Drugs for HeadacheUNIT VII: PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC DRUGS26. Antipsychotic Agents and Their Use in Schizophrenia 27. Antidepressants28. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder 29. Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs 30. Management of Anxiety Disorders31. Central Nervous System Stimulants and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderUNIT VIII: SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS32. Substance Use Disorders I: Basic Considerations33. Substance Use Disorders II: Alcohol34. Substance Use Disorders III: Nicotine and Smoking35. Substance Use Disorders IV: Major Drugs of Abuse Other Than Alcohol and NicotineUNIT IX: DRUGS THAT AFFECT THE HEART, BLOOD VESSELS, BLOOD, AND BLOOD VOLUME36. Review of Hemodynamics 37. Diuretics38. Drugs Acting on the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System39. Calcium Channel Blockers 40. Vasodilators41. Drugs for Hypertension 42. Drugs for Heart Failure 43. Antidysrhythmic Drugs 44. Prophylaxis of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: Drugs That Help Normalize Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels45. Drugs for Angina Pectoris 46. Anticoagulant, Antiplatelet, and Thrombolytic Drugs47. Drugs for Deficiency AnemiasUNIT X: DRUGS FOR ENDOCRINE DISORDERS 48. Drugs for Diabetes Mellitus49. Drugs for Thyroid DisordersUNIT XI: WOMEN’S HEALTH50. Estrogens and Progestins: Basic Pharmacology and Noncontraceptive Applications 51. Birth Control
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