Test Bank for Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking Twelfth, North American Edition
Table of Contents
UNIT 1: Foundations of Health AssessmentCHAPTER 1: Foundations for Clinical ProficiencyCHAPTER 2: Evaluating Clinical Evidence CHAPTER 3: Interviewing and the Health History
UNIT 2: Regional Examinations
CHAPTER 4: Beginning the Physical Examination: General Survey, Vital Signs, and Pain
CHAPTER 5: Behavior and Mental Status
CHAPTER 6: The Skin, Hair, and Nails
CHAPTER 7: The Head and Neck
CHAPTER 8: The Thorax and Lungs
CHAPTER 9: The Cardiovascular System CHAPTER 10: The Breasts and Axillae
CHAPTER 11: The AbdomenCHAPTER 12: The Peripheral Vascular SystemCHAPTER 13: Male Genitalia and Hernias CHAPTER 14: Female GenitaliaCHAPTER 15: The Anus, Rectum, and ProstateCHAPTER 16: The Musculoskeletal SystemCHAPTER 17: The Nervous SystemUNIT 3: Special PopulationsCHAPTER 18: Assessing Children: Infancy through AdolescenceCHAPTER 19: The Pregnant WomanCHAPTER 20: The Older Adult
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