Test Bank For Anatomy and Physiology The Unity of Form Function 9th Edition
Table of Contents
Part One Organization of the Body1 Major Themes of Anatomy and PhysiologyATLAS A General Orientation to Human Anatomy2 The Chemistry of Life3 Cellular Form and Function4 Genes and Cellular Function5 The Human TissuesPart Two Support and Movement6 The Integumentary System7 Bone Tissue8 The Skeletal System9 Joints10 The Muscular SystemATLAS B Regional and Surface Anatomy11 Muscular TissuePart Three Internal Coordination and Control12 Nervous Tissue13 The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Somatic Reflexes14 The Brain and Cranial Nerves15 The Autonomic Nervous System and Visceral Reflexes16 Sense Organs17 The Endocrine System
Part Four Circulation and Defense18 The Circulatory System: Blood19 The Circulatory System: Heart20 The Circulatory System: Blood Vessels and Circulation21 The Lymphatic and Immune SystemsPart Five Intake and Output22 The Respiratory System23 The Urinary System24 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance25 The Digestive System26 Nutrition and MetabolismPart Six Reproduction and the Life Cycle27 The Male Reproductive System28 The Female Reproductive System29 Human Development and AgingAPPENDIX A: Answer KeysAPPENDIX B: Symbols, Weights, and MeasuresAPPENDIX C: Periodic Table of the ElementsAPPENDIX D: The Genetic Code and Amino AcidsAPPENDIX E: Medical Word Roots and Affixes
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