Human Body in Health and Disease 6th Edition Patton Test Bank
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction to the Body2. Chemistry of Life3. Cells4. Tissues5. Organ Systems6. Mechanisms of Disease7. Skin and Membranes8. Skeletal System9. Muscular System10. Nervous System11. Senses12. Endocrine System13. Blood14. Heart and Heart Disease15. Circulation of the Blood16. Lymphatic System and Immunity17. Respiratory System18. Digestive System19. Nutrition and Metabolism20. Urinary System21. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance22. Acid-Base Balance23. Reproductive Systems24. Growth and Development25. Genetics and Genetic DiseasesAppendix A: Examples of Pathological ConditionsAppendix C: Medical Terminology; Hints for Learning and Using Medical TermsAppendix D: Clinical and Laboratory Values; Conversion Factors to International System of Units (SI Units)GlossaryIllustration/Photo CreditsIndex
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